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Kimberly May

Phone: 520-868-7305

Email Ms. May

Degrees and Certifications:

Ball State University;
Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education Special Education

Indiana Wesleyan University;
Master of Education in Elementary Education Curriculum & Instruction

Indiana University/Purdue University at Fort Wayne;
Master of Science in Education School Administration

Walden University;
Doctor of Education-All But Dissertation

(ABD) Administrative Leadership of Teaching and Learning

National Board Certified Teacher Candidate Middle Childhood Generalist

Arizona Math Leaders Board Member and Southern Region Vice President

Kimberly May


Mustang Family,

It is with great pleasure that I share this message with you as the new Principal of Magma Ranch PK-8. I find it an honor to become part of this community full of everything we need to thrive. Prioritizing safety, belonging, sustainable relationships, and academic growth and achievement; I am looking forward to partnering with you and our scholars!

I am a "boots on the ground" instructional learning leader with vision, enthusiasm, asset-based thinking, inclusion, innovation, creativity and an abundance of joy! My core values are authenticity, autonomy, equity, faith, growth, and excellence. Since 1997, I have served in many capacities across Indiana and Arizona as a Teacher Leader in grades 1st through 5th, a Principal Intern, an Assistant Principal, a Director of Federal Programs, and most recently as FUSD's district K-8 Math Curriculum and Technology Integration Specialist.

It has become abundantly clear that Magma Ranch PK-8 is a learning commUNITY of loving and caring stakeholders who desire the best educational experience. As partners in education, let's remain committed to our Mustang scholars working together for their overall success at school and in every area of their lives.

"Alone, we can do so little; TOGETHER, we can do so much." ~Helen Keller

Racing for Excellence
Mrs. Kimberly May


Assistant Principal

Jason Beach image

Phone: 520-868-7319

Email Mr. Beach

Degrees and Certificates:

Master’s Degree in Elementary Education: Reading

Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership

Leadership Certification AZ

Jason Beach


Proud to be a Mustang! I am Jason Beach and thrilled to be an AZ native. I have been in education and teaching for over 25 years. I am looking forward to great things this year as the Assistant Principal here at Magma Ranch. Through the years, I have taught 1st – 9th grades, working with sports, coached, and Administration at both elementary and middles schools.

I have been married for 31 years to my wife and we have 6 kids. In my spare time, I like to write as a published author, watch movies, make homemade pizza and popcorn, read, get in that morning workout and spend time doing all those things with my family.

I am thrilled to be a Magma Ranch Mustang! We will accomplish great things as we race together for EXCELLENCE! 

Never a bad day!

Dean of Students | Athletic Director

Amanda Hay photo

Phone: 520-868-7315

Email Ms. Hay

Degrees and Certifications:

Moravian College;
Bachelor of Science in Education

Capella University;
Masters in Educational Leadership and Administration with Principal Certification

Amanda Hay


 Amanda  was born and raised in Pennsylvania and has lived in Arizona for almost 8 years. Amanda received her  Bachelor's Degree in Education from Moravian College  and her Master's in Educational Leadership and Administration with principal certification from Capella University. Amanda has almost 20 years of teaching in various settings and grade levels mostly 4/5. She taught for 2 year with the district before moving and since has come back to FUSD, first as a 4th grade teacher and now the Dean of Students/Athletic Director. Amanda is a learning leader and scholars success is a top priority for her. 

Amanda enjoys reading, hiking and cooking along with spending time with her family and especially her nephews. Amanda is excited to be in this leadership role at Magma Ranch and can't wait to work with all the scholars, families and community members involved.  Racing for Excellence always! 

Instructional Coach

Phone: 520-868-7305

Email Ms. Davis

Degrees and Certifications:

Haley Davis